» Publikationen 2019
Frontiers in Chemistry, 2019, Vol. 7, 912
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 2019, Vol. 24, 102126
Nanotechnology, 2019, Vol 31, 5

Now you can find our newest research results on the ractivity of single nanoparticles easy to read on the ChemEurope.com website.
Deutsche Version: Unsere neuesten Forschungsergebnisse zur Reaktivität einzelner Nanopartikel sind jetzt auch allgemein verständlich nachzulesen auf chemie.de.
Abdelilah El Arrassi, Zhibin Liu, Mathies V. Evers, Niclas Blanc, Georg Bendt, Sascha Saddeler, David Tetzlaff, Darius Pohl, Christine Damm, Stephan Schulz, Kristina Tschulik
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 23, 9197-9201
Mathies V. Evers, Miguel Bernal, Beatriz Roldan Cuenya, Kristina Tschulik
Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 2019, Vol. 58, 24, 8221-8225
Angewandte Chemie, 2019, 131, 8305-8309
Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 301, 458-464
17. Dezember 2019
Operando Studies of the Electrochemical Dissolution of Silver Nanoparticles in Nitrate Solutions Observed with Hyperspectral Dark- Field Microscopy
Kevin Wonner, Christian Rurainsky, Kristina TschulikFrontiers in Chemistry, 2019, Vol. 7, 912
15. November 2019
Enhanced antibacterial performance of ultrathin silver/platinum nanopatches by a sacrificial anode mechanism
Adham Abuayyash, Nadine Ziegler, Hajo Meyer, Michael Meischein, Christina Sengstock, Julian Moellenhoff, Christian Rurainsky, Marc Heggen, Alba Garzón-Manjón, Christina Scheu, Kristina Tschulik, Alfred Ludwig, Manfred KöllerNanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 2019, Vol. 24, 102126
16. Oktober 2019
Enhanced dissolution of silver nanoparticles in a physical mixture with platinum nanoparticles based on the sacrificial anode effect
Marina Breisch, Kateryna Loza, Kevin Pappert, Alexander Rostek, Christian Rurainsky, Kristina Tschulik, Marc Heggen, Matthias Epple, Jörg C. Tiller, Thomas A. Schildhauer, Manfred Köller, Christina SengstockNanotechnology, 2019, Vol 31, 5
16. Juli 2019
q&more article: „Light plus current: The formula for researching what happens to individual nanoparticles“

Now you can find our newest research results on the ractivity of single nanoparticles easy to read on the ChemEurope.com website.
Deutsche Version: Unsere neuesten Forschungsergebnisse zur Reaktivität einzelner Nanopartikel sind jetzt auch allgemein verständlich nachzulesen auf chemie.de.
30. Mai 2019
Intrinsic activity of oxygen evolution catalysts probed at single CoFe2O4 nanoparticles

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 23, 9197-9201
11. April 2019
Piece by Piece – Electrochemical Synthesis of Individual Nanoparticles and their Performance in ORR Electrocatalysis

Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 2019, Vol. 58, 24, 8221-8225
Partikel für Partikel – elektrochemische Einschlagsexperimente zur Synthese oberflächenimmobilisierter Goldnanopartikel für die Elektrokatalyse
Mathies V. Evers, Miguel Bernal, Beatriz Roldan Cuenya, Kristina TschulikAngewandte Chemie, 2019, 131, 8305-8309
2. Februar 2019
The electrochemical dissolution of single silver nanoparticles enlightened by hyperspectral dark-field microscopy
Kevin Wonner, Mathies V. Evers, Kristina TschulikElectrochimica Acta, 2019, 301, 458-464