Start4Chem at GRK 2376 Confinement-controlled Chemistry
In the context of a meeting of the Research Training Group GRK 2376 Confinement-controlled Chemistry, our start-up coaches Annabelle Beyer and Frederik Lehmann had the chance to present Start4Chem to a group of doctoral researchers on 16 June 2021.
The meetings of the GRK 2376 offer the PhD students the opportunity to meet different scientists as well as companies from the industry in order to receive scientific input in addition to being shown different career opportunities. In this context, Start4Chem had the opportunity to present the career path of knowledge-based founding starting at the university. In addition to a short presentation of the teams that are currently being supported by Start4Chem and are pursuing their interest in founding in an application-oriented manner, the input covered, among other things, the various support services for those interested in founding offered by the incubator as well as the Worldfactory Start-up Center and network partners such as the Bochum Wirtschaftsentwicklung and Young Entrepreneurs in Science.
We would like to thank Sandra Jendrzej and Andre Platzek for the organisation and the invitation as well as the opportunity to present the activities of Start4Chem and the start-up career path to the PhD students of the GRK 2376.