» Allgemein
You can find the full press release here.
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Here, the uses and options of embedded sensors for the optimization of chemical industrial processes are explained and discussed.
You can find a direct link to the corresponding file (in german) here
Or alternatively in the WDR Mediathek (Post from 27.05.2021, start of interview at 01:20:15).
28. September 2023
Heraeus-Seminar at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
At the 796th WE-Heraeus Seminar, Marius Spallek successfully presented his poster, while Johanna Angona gave a scientific talk. Both contributions were followed by fruitful discussions and positive feedback.29. August 2023
Research Visit at University of Warwick
Johanna Angona is spending three months in the group of Prof. Unwin (University of Warwick, UK) where she is studying micelle-nucleated electrocatalysts using electrochemical SPM. Thank you to the graduate school “Confinement-Controlled Chemistry” for the funding!21. November 2022
PhD defense Niclas Blanc
We are happy to congratulate Niclas Blanc for having successfully passed his PhD. Niclas defended his thesis confidently and will now continue working in the group as a postdoc.30. May 2022
Collaborative Research Center/Transregio SFB/TRR 247 extended by German Research Foundation for four years
After a successful first funding phase, the Collaborative Research Center/Transregio SFB/TRR 247 entitled “Heterogeneous Oxidation Catalysis in the Liquid Phase” has now been extended by the German Research Foundation for another four years. In the second funding phase starting on 1st July 2022, Kristina Tschulik is the spokesperson of the SFB/TRR 247, with Prof. Dr. Stephan Schulz from the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) as co-spokesperson. Congratulations to all members!You can find the full press release here.
8. June 2021
Start4Chem – Interview with Anna Oelbermann
On the RUB News page there is now an exciting interview with Start4Chem director Anna Oelbermann. Here she talks about the Start-up Center and answers questions about starting a company in chemistry and biochemistry. You can find the interview (only in german) on the NEWS.RUB.de page.Read the full article…
29. May 2021
Podcast Interview WDR5 Quarks
In the current WDR5 Quarks – Science Podcast episode from May 27, Kristina Tschulik and the Saber Print team give an interview and explain the benefits and background of the project.Here, the uses and options of embedded sensors for the optimization of chemical industrial processes are explained and discussed.
You can find a direct link to the corresponding file (in german) here
Or alternatively in the WDR Mediathek (Post from 27.05.2021, start of interview at 01:20:15).
15. March 2021