Start4Chem – Who are we and what do we offer?
We offer RUB chemists the framework to take their own research results and / or business ideas as a basis to orientate themselves towards the market, to deal with their own interest in founding a company, to develop this interest and, ideally, to start up a business.
Essentially, our services are directed at scientists and students within the field of chemistry, regardless of an already existing theoretical business proposal or whether there are promising research results at hand.
Chemists, who have bright results at hand and who want to test their market relevance get the chance of an individual WSC-coaching for business model development, preparation for founding competitions or applications for funds, like EXIST or NRW Start-up Transfer.
For everyone, who wants to get into touch with the topic of founding, we like to be the interface to mediate WSC offers, like Gründer:Innentalk or within the range of “Entrepreneurship Education” at RUB. Here, we like to emphasize our course “From Top Level Science to Top Level Business” that welcomes anyone wanting to get a first impression of the start-up spirit.
Furthermore, we as a team understand ourselves as networkers for people who are interested in founding and want to provide demand-based contacts for our teams. Examples for these kinds of contacts would be the excellence cluster RESOLV, the faculties and administration of the RUB or our external scientific institutions, the founding eco system at RUB as wells as role models within the chemical industry.
In the foreseeable future we will be able to offer office and laboratory spaces to those interested in founding. Here, the teams will be able to advance their real start-up projects and a chance of communicating and exchanging with others within the same field.
Together with our colleagues at WSC, we already accompany three teams interested in founding in chemistry: LiveSen, Millovation and Phycosystems. These teams are all on different milestones and have different stories behind and in front of them. And that is, what is important to us. We support you from the moment on, where you actually want to get in touch with your founding interest – end open. We look forward to getting to know you!