1. June 2021

Start4Chem at RESOLV Career Day

As part of the RESOLV Summer School Solvation Science 2021, our start-up coaches Annabelle Beyer and Frederik Lehmann had the opportunity to present the incubator Start4Chem and the career path of founding at the RESOLV Career Day on 27 May 21.

Within an interactive input, the topic of why it is worthwhile for researchers to consider the topic of founding was addressed, among other things. In addition, the 70 participants learned about the Roadmap to Founding with the various support services offered by Start4Chem, the WSC and network partners such as YES for those interested in founding (a company). Throughout the afternoon, the participants had the opportunity to ask their personal questions about the topic of founding in in-depth breakout sessions, which led to an exciting discussion. Besides Start4Chem, Tobias Vöpel from LiveSen, Ulrich Küsthardt from Evonik and Stamo Mentizi from Covestro presented their work.

We would like to thank Julia Nowack and Sedakat Altinpinar for the organisation and for the opportunity to present Start4Chem to the scientists from the RESOLV network and we are looking forward to further cooperation.

Start4Chem at RESOLV Career Day